The necessity of design


‘As a designer we do not sell design,
we sell the solution that design solves.’


Quoting Miriam Isaac allows me to highlight the essence of design. For example, when it comes to branding, it’s all about looking further and digging deeper than “just a logo” as the client often says.
Branding is the key solution that design offers : that’s what a company needs to develop its image. This is what makes a company look reliable, directly affecting sales.

Understanding the previous sentence is the first step to go further. It doesn’t matter how much you know your product or how much it is better than your competitor’s, you have to make sure every potential consumer sees it that way. It’s the challenge : that’s when your communication starts.

Since everyone has an opinion… and judges, you have to consider your brand as a true entity and ask yourself
the right questions : What do people think about it ? How to make it attractive ? What instigates desire ?

With design, you get what you pay for. People could buy your designless product but if you want your business to thrive, you have to invest in your company’ appearance and in the way people see it.

With that approach, we can ensure you that the challenge we have take up consists in sparking emotions. Trust is one of them. Why trust ? Because its synonym of leads. No one will purchase something they don’t believe in. To trigger sales, you have to understand the psychology of your pool of clients.

‘A brand is not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.’


People make their minds up in less than 3 seconds (approx.) so you have to be memorable on the first sight and continue to improve the sparks by offering unforgettable experiences.

That’s the reason why companies have departments with brand conceptors, brand strategists and brand research. The importance of design shouldn’t be underestimated. Design allows your brand to exude trustworthiness. If a communication/design agency is provides mediocre work, why should the consumer invest in it ?

So, what makes your brand memorable ? You just received your new logo, that’s good news but that’s not enough. As I already said, you have to see your brand as a entity itself. Both goods and services have to be amazing. You should have a strategy which reinforces your narrative, it’s utterly important. It’s always a good idea to be the carrier of strong values ! Every aspect of your activity has to be thought of : the tone, the storytelling and the consumer experience have to be sorted out.

The importance of storytelling

« A busy day, a commute stuck in the traffic, over-excited kids. Well… a never-ending stressfull day. You need a
moment to yourself to relax. »

By putting our product descriptions in context, we create a story to which the consumers relate to.

Even though you can’t control what people think of you, it’s all about mixed feelings and emotions. But the thing is, you can influence them. Nowadays, we want to experience things rather than solely buying a product. “I’m ready to pay 25% more if it’s from fair trade, if it’s organique or GMO-free.”
We base our choices on symbolic attributes : “What does the product look like ? Where is it sold ? What group will I be in if I buy it ? What do people say about it ? If I can trust the manufacturer, I can buy it now and think about it later?” (Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier)

Disney showed us how to build a brand, showed us that you need creativity and a strong strategy. Since 1934, they truly mastered the art of storytelling. Walt Disney once said :
“If I can’t find a theme, I can’t make a movie people will enjoy. I can’t make intellectual humor. I’m only nerdy enough to enjoy a story that hit in my heart.”

What we can learn from that is that a story needs to be themed. What make your brand unique and allows you to build a long-term competitive advantage ? You have to be genuine to touch someone else. You have to use your own emotions.


Their are looking for apprentie but do it in a very creative way by contextualizing with strong culture popular pictures. By doing it they show the creativity of the agency and create desire to work for them. Well done guys !

Most brands don’t master the art of storytelling but the ones who do are inspirational : Coca Cola, Apple, Nike, Disney to name a few. They became modern icons because they represent values people want to be defined by.

The art of storytelling is the power to use a narrative that links your brand to your pool of consumers, byemphasizing the values you represent and that you both share.

When it’s mastered, it’s really game-changing and it can differenciate you from your competitors.

The power of aesthetics

« Never forget that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression – to investors, customers, PR, and marketing. »

Dame Natalie Massenet, Chairwoman of the British Fashion Council

The first impression is a game-changer for your company. Studies show that people make decisions in accordance with visual comparison.

Another one shows that some design-driven companies like the ones mentioned above, got better results by 219% between 2004 and 2014.

The results are here to prove it. Design is a powerful tool your company should benefit from. Brand owners that do tend to get better results regarding sales. Aesthetics are so powerful that they can turn a basic product into a luxurious one, or the opposite.

It doesn’t come as a surprise that charismatic brands are leaders in their field, owning more than 50% of market shares. They also tend to put higher prices tags on their products – up to 40% more than “generic” brands.

Design comprises every channel of communication : websites, packagings, advertising, social media, etc. All of them belong to your brand, to your story, because they work hand in hand to ensure the consumers find your message relevant.

A good design has the power to translate something complex in something accessible, funny or remarkable ! Design makes clients faithful because consumers tend to become lovers of the brand.

Your brand is now unforgettable.

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